Supporting others through cleaning

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We all know just how important cleaning is. Cleanliness is a major part of our physical and mental health. However, there are still many people who lack the cleaning support they need. These might be people close to you- some you may not even realise – or people across the globe but people who you can still help! This post will aim to help you spot people who may need help maintaining a clean home or good hygiene, and will help you find some ways by which you can help. We will also be adding a list of charities you can support at the bottom if we haven’t mentioned this in the post already. One of the key ways you can help is by sharing this information, the more people see it, the more people are aware of the support needed for others in the community!

Who might need help?

There is no set type of person that may struggle with cleaning, and no set reason for someone to struggle but there are some signs to spot that may help you understand that someone needs help.

  1. Someone is struggling to remain active for long periods of time
  2. Someone may not be able to buy cleaning products
  3. Someone may lack motivation to do anything -including cleaning
  4. Someone’s house is often dirty, dishes are unwashed for prolonged periods of time
  5. Someone has talked to you about anxiety or stress over cleaning.

As well as this, there are some groups that may more naturally need support such as the elderly, those with disabilities, those struggling with mental health, those overwhelmed with work or childcare, as well as others we may have not listed. Support levels can vary- not everyone needs a full cleaning service as support, some people may just need help acquiring cleaning products or support with areas too high to reach. The important part is for you to notice someone needs help, and to ask what can be done!

What about people you can't help directly?

Despite good cleaning standards, hygiene control and health support being a norm in many high income countries such as England. Unfortunately, this isn’t the case everywhere. Many countries still don’t have facilities needed for good general hygiene. In fact, many areas don’t even have access to clean water. Cleanliness is something we take for granted here in the UK. But for some areas, clean water is something people rarely have easy access to.

Here are just some of the many charities you can support to help provide aid for areas that lack the facilities we use each and every day. These include:

Good water, sanitation and hygiene for every child – Unicef UK

Clean Water, Decent Toilets and Good Hygiene | WaterAid UK

Virgin Money Giving | Bloom – reusable sanitary pad kits for Kenya


Hygiene poverty in the UK

Many don’t realise that despite the UK being generally well equipped and educated with regards to cleanliness, hygiene poverty is still a major problem. As described in an article by The Guardian: ‘More than four in 10 parents (43%) who took part in the survey said they have had to go without basic hygiene or cleaning products because they can’t afford them, while almost one in five (18%) admit their child wears the same underwear at least two days in a row.’ It is crucial that we notice this and support those who are struggling each day around us. 

An extra helping hand for someone may be the difference between 43% and 0% in the above statistic. There is also a brilliant organisation: The Hygiene Bank which distributes hygiene, personal care and household cleaning products to those who need it in order to reduce hygiene poverty in the UK. You can donate money or products, or volunteer within the organisation to help really make a difference!

Simple ways to help those around you

Although supporting charities is a brilliant way of helping reduce hygiene poverty, there are plenty of other ways you can provide direct help to those who need it most. Do you know a parent who is struggling to balance work with cleaning and watching the kids? Help them by watching the children every so often or cleaning together so they aren’t as stressed. Perhaps you know an elder who struggles to clean for long periods of time, or who may not easily access the shops? Try and do their shopping for them- including cleaning products- or come in and help them clean. This won’t only allow their home to be cleaner and safer but sometimes, a bit of company is just what they need. All it takes is a bit of initiative. If you see someone may be struggling, be the person who helps.

Useful links:
