How can you manage a team effectively?

'Management’s job is to convey leadership’s message in a compelling and inspiring way. Not just in meetings, but also by example.' – Jeffrey Gitomer
One of the most important considerations when working as a team – or company – is how effective management is within the team because without this, efficient work cannot be done. Managers and supervisors play a huge part in leading and guiding a team to achieve a desired goal.
What makes a manager good? There are several factors which determine how beneficial individual characteristics are when leading a team. Yet each one is suited to a specific team, circumstances and work environments.
Even though management styles may vary, there are still many beneficial characteristics and approaches that are present in every skilled manager. These traits allow a manager to be a motivating figure of authority whilst still allowing team members to grow and develop individually. Our cleaning supervisors have shared their knowledge on what makes a successful manager based on their personal experiences.
A team leader’s main role is to look after their team. This means that they need to be supportive of decisions, opinions and actions taken by individual team members. This allows for a stronger, more confident team and a more harmonious work environment. If someone makes a decision that may not be the most beneficial, it is important that a team leader treats them with respect while explaining the impact of specific ideas rather than disregarding such an idea from the start.
There is no doubt that managing a team and project at the same time is daunting. Many challenging situations and issues may arise, but a team leader has the responsibility to manage and recover from such issues while still reaching their desired goal. Resilience is also necessary when working as part of a team as without it, it isn’t possible to motivate or encourage other team members to perform to the best of their ability.
Being adaptable is an important feature suited to most management roles. For example, during a project, individuals will have varying ideas, opinions and problems. Knowing when to compromise and adapt to changing circumstances is therefore key to effectively lead and support a team to reach targets.
Confidence is essential when dealing with varying groups of people whom a manager and/or team leader needs to appeal to. This includes-but is not exclusive to: your team, customers and a target audience that you are trying to attract. Confidence will allow you to motivate, persuade and encourage the people you interact with
Just like with any other job, ‘passion is the key to success‘ . If you are passionate about a subject you are more likely to be optimistic, resilient and encouraging: traits which make a great leader! With passion, you will inspire everyone around you to be interested and develop a passion for their work too.
As discussed, everyone is different and has unique ideas and opinions, as well individual strengths and weaknesses. Therefore, it is paramount to respect such differences while remaining an authoritative and fair team leader, promoting understanding rather than fear of failure which might lead to stress in the workplace. Something we always want to avoid!