A guide to organising your closet


Keeping your closet organised can be one of the most painstakingly frustrating tasks imaginable. But… Fear not! It doesn’t have to be like this. Your Castle Caretakers Ltd has come to save the day with our top guide on keeping your closet organised so your tidying goes from monotony to joy with just a single read.

1. Make use of baskets

Baskets are a closet saviour in two respects: space and order. They save space by creating ‘sub-groups’ to separate clothes. This in turn makes the whole closet look neater ( even if the insides of baskets are a complete mess). As well as this, it allows you to organise your clothes into categories- which will help you keep up a routine in the future. Separate clothes into categories like t-shirts, jeans etc or ‘summer clothes’, ‘party clothes’ etc. There is also yet another added bonus of baskets: they hide clothes well so no one can ‘borrow’ your clothes without asking you where they are in the first place!

2. Consider the season

closet, snow
closet, spring
closet, summer
leaf, maple, autumn-3865014.jpg

You won’t be wearing bikinis in winter, or skiing jackets at the beach in summer…So why have them in your closet? Set up a separate storage box for ‘out-of-season’ clothes and swap them each season. This will save space and will encourage you to check and re-organise your closet with each new season. As well as this, if you’re looking for summer clothes in December, maybe for a sunny holiday, you will know where those clothes are immediately instead of tearing apart your entire wardrobe trying to find them.

3. Don't be afraid to get rid of clothes

Let’s be honest, you are never going to wear half of your wardrobe again, and you are still buying new clothes anyway. Donate or sell your clothes using services such as Vinted to give them new life in someone else’s stylish hands. By doing this, you’re also helping reduce our global landfill crisis by increasing the recycling of clothes and the reduction of mass production of new clothes.

4. Consider how often you wear things

Ordering items in terms of use allows for greater accessibility and reduced mess. Essentially, this means that when you’re in a rush for work you aren’t scrambling looking for your uniform for hours and more importantly, not making a mess! Place items like: uniforms, day jackets, pyjamas, leisure wear and gym wear in accessible spots around your closet.

4. Set a routine

As with ALL cleaning tasks, routine is key. You can’t clean something once and expect it to stay clean forever- that would be similar to saying if you brush your teeth once they’ll never get dirty again. Set a regular routine to check your closet and ensure that each day you aren’t making a bigger mess- no matter how tired you are or how much you want to just throw your clothes on the chair!
